Create a tag in a GitHub repository
Hello, I’ve encountered a problem after tagging a commit in my local git repository. The tag doesn't seem to appear on the GitHub remote repository. I've created the tag with the standard git tagging command, anticipating that it would sync with GitHub automatically, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. The tag is for marking a new version, and it's vital for our release process. I used the following command in the shell:

git tag 2.0

Following that, I verified the tag's existence locally:

git tag

The output confirmed that the tag '2.0' is indeed present:


However, when I navigate to my GitHub repository at, the tag is nowhere to be found. I've pushed all the commits to GitHub, but the tag hasn't made it through somehow. Has anyone experienced this and can offer guidance on how to resolve the issue and ensure the tag is visible on GitHub?
The problem lies in the fact that tags are not sent to remote repositories by default when you push your code. You need to explicitly push tags to your remote repository, which in your case is GitHub. To push a single tag, you can use the following command:

So in your specific scenario, you should execute:

If you have multiple tags that you want to push at once, you can push all your local tags to the remote with this command:

git push--tags

Putting it all together, make sure you’re on the correct branch and your local changes are all committed. Then push the tag to the remote repository as shown. That should make your tag visible on GitHub.
Understood, it seems I overlooked the step of pushing tags to the remote. I'll run the command you provided to push my specific tag to the GitHub repository.
Here's the updated process for clarity:

git commit - am "Commit message"
git push
# Tagging the commit
git tag 2.0
# Push the tag to the remote repository
git push origin 2.0

The tag should now show up on GitHub.
Correct, that's the process. It's also good practice to fetch tags from the remote occasionally to ensure your local tags are up-to-date, especially if you're working in a team. You can do so with the following command:

git fetch--tags

Additionally, if you need to delete a tag from the remote for any reason, use:

And to delete it locally:

git tag - d < tagname >

This way, you maintain full control over your tags both locally and on the remote repository.

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