React Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined
I'm experiencing a problem with my React application ever since I added a new Modal component. Previously, everything was running smoothly, but after the addition of the Modal, an iframe began to appear on the page. This unexpected iframe shows up during file edits, triggering what seems to be a hot reload. In addition, I've encountered an error in the console that reads "Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined". It's unclear how the introduction of the Modal has led to these issues, but they seem to be related to the modal's implementation and possibly the hot reloading process. Here's the code snippet for the Modal component:

} from 'react';
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Close from "../static/assets/close-white.svg"
const trapStyles = {
    position: 'absolute',
    opacity: 0
const Test = () => {
    return ReactDOM.createPortal( <div data - react - modal - body - trap = ""
        tabIndex = "0"
        style = {
const Modal = ({
}) => {
    useEffect(() => {
        if (open) document.getElementById("app").classList.add("ReactModal__Body--open");
        return () => {
    if (!open) return null;
    return ReactDOM.createPortal( <
        Test / >
        <div className = "ReactModal__Overlay--after-open" >
        <div className = "modal-form-page"
        tabIndex = "-1"
        role = "dialog"
        aria - modal = "true" >
        <button onClick = {
        className = "close-modal" >
        <img id = "close-button"
        alt = "close"
        src = {
</button> {
</div> <
export default Modal;

Here's the relevant section of my HTML file:

<!DOCTYPE html >
    <html lang = "en" >
    <head >
    <meta charset = "utf-8" / >
    !--...other head elements...-- >
</head> <body id = "app" >
    !--...other body elements...-- >
    <div id = "content" >
    !--All other content render here-- >
</div> <div class = "ReactModalPortal"
id = "ModalPortal" > < /div>

The console error points to this line causing issues: "Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined", but the error stack trace doesn't provide enough context for me to pinpoint the root cause. I've tried to troubleshoot the problem but haven't made any progress. Does anyone have an idea of what might be going wrong here or how to fix it?
The 'process is not defined' error usually occurs when there's a reference to 'process.env' variables that are specific to Node.js environment and are not present in the browser by default. It often happens with webpack builds when the 'DefinePlugin' is used to inject 'process.env' variables and is inadvertently left unconfigured for a particular environment.
To resolve this, ensure that the 'DefinePlugin' in your webpack configuration contains all necessary environment variables. Additionally, make sure to check your application code for any references to 'process.env'. If you're using 'create-react-app', it automatically handles 'process.env' for you, but if you've ejected or customized the webpack config, you might need to add configurations for 'process.env'.
As for the iframe issue, it's a bit more uncommon. Do you have any code that dynamically loads iframes or any third-party libraries that might be adding iframes to the page? It would help to look through any recent changes to identify what could be introducing the iframes.
Regarding the iframe appearing after the hot reload, this sounds like a side effect that could be related to the hot reload mechanism in your development environment. The hot reload process may not be clearing out the old state of the application properly, leading to stacked instances of the modal or iframe elements. Hot reloading can sometimes cause issues if state or DOM manipulations are not handled cleanly between reloads.
To debug this issue, I would recommend looking into the hot reload configuration and ensuring that it is properly disposing of any modal or iframe-related states before attempting a reload. Additionally, try to reproduce the issue by manually refreshing the page instead of relying on hot reload to see if the issue persists, which could indicate a problem with your application's state management.
If the issues can't be resolved, it might be worth presenting a minimal reproducible example—with all nonessential components and logic stripped away—to isolate the interaction causing the problem.
**Final Code with Required Modules/Libraries:**
After having a discussion and solving the issues, the final code provided would typically include all the necessary import statements and any external library dependencies that are relevant to ensure the code can be run without errors. Here's an example of how the final code might look:

} from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Close from '../static/assets/close-white.svg'; // Make sure this asset is correctly configured and imported
const trapStyles = {
    position: 'absolute',
    opacity: 0
const Test = () => {
    return ReactDOM.createPortal( <div data - react - modal - body - trap = ""
        tabIndex = "0"
        style = {
const Modal = ({
}) => {
    useEffect(() => {
        const appElement = document.getElementById("app");
        if (open) appElement.classList.add("ReactModal__Body--open");
        return () => {
    }, [open]); // Added dependency array to useEffect
    if (!open) return null;
    return ReactDOM.createPortal( <
        Test / >
        <div className = "ReactModal__Overlay" >
        <div className = "ReactModal__Content"
        tabIndex = "-1"
        role = "dialog"
        aria - modal = "true" >
        <button onClick = {
        className = "ReactModal__Close" >
        <img src = {
        alt = "Close modal" / >
</button> {
</div> <
export default Modal;

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